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SALE*** 554 Peasantries by Mary Tiner

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Price: $4.00
Item Number: 554
ACRYLIC BOOK.  Mary Tiner brings you Peasantries, a book filled with decorative, as well as folk art designs, that will meet the needs of the beginner or advanced painter.  Mary has used wood surfaces plus those recycled jars for great accent pieces . With an eye to details and color, Mary's designs will be an added attraction to any room. Rich red cherries can be found on a box, note holder, heart cutout, pie basket and jars. Crabapples done on an antique box, lap desk, jars and oval box will create a new decorative piece for the kitchen or family room. Golden ripe pears can be found on a plaque, small letter box, half gallon jar and terra cotta saucer. Plums, peaches, berries, grapes and apples are decoratively done on a set of stacking boxes, letter box and paper mache storage cylinders. Six luscious fruits are done on a coaster set and box, plus wonderful old world fruit plates to hang on the walls in your eating area. The mantel clock with interchangeable inserts can be painted with fruit, vegetables or flowers, the choice is yours and will be a most desired decorative piece. Rich golden sunflowers are painted on a tray, jars, bank block, herb box, jars and basket. The house number framed box will be that special house warming gift or brighten your own home. Create these functional and decorative pieces for your home or as gifts, everyone will be delighted with them. They are certain to be a bright spot in your day. Easy to follow instructions, patterns and color photographs. A must have for all decorative painters. Retail $10.50
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