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193 Painting It's Our Bag by Bev Hink & Susan Scheewe Brown (Some Cover Wear)

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Price: $6.50
Item Number: 193
ACRYLIC.  Recent warehouse find!  SOME COVER WEAR.  Don't miss out we found a "small" stack of Painting It's Our bag recently.  Formerly sold out.  Paint these darling designs on fabric, canvas or any other surface you have, use your imagination.  Some of the projects include, Raccon and watermelon surrounded in white daisies.  Giraffe.  Roses, poppies and iris.  Cute puppy  face, yellow ducklings with ballons, great projects for those grandkids.  White duck with a straw hat laced with flowers.  Cute bears.  Pansies.  Strawberries.  Santa Merry Christmas.  Santa Mouse.  Mallard duck.  Country cat.  Rabbits.  Canadian Goose.  Bunny in a flower pot.
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