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NEW 600 Seasons In Bloom - I Love to Paint by Susan Scheewe Brown

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Price: $13.95
Item Number: 600
Paint along with PBS Television artist Sue Scheewe. Step by step, easy to follow instructions with a color palette for each project to guide you successfully through every painting. Plus, patterns and color photos for each painting. Sue Scheewe has created a book filled with flowers to paint timeless projects. Fresh Yellow Tulips sway in the spring breeze. Iris stand majestic and beautiful alone and with hydrangeas. Sunflowers have attracted a summer chickadee to rest on a flower head. Pansies and primroses colorful brim from a basket. Magnolias elegant and timeless beautifully fill a canvas. Roses delicate and pink softly drape across the painting. Chickadees balance on the brim of a straw garden hat nestled in white daisies, next to a clay pot growing ripe red strawberries. All of these paintings and more in this beautiful book.
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