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471 Maple Sugar 3 by Roberta Hall

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Price: $4.00
Item Number: 471
ACRYLIC BOOK.  Roberta has created another beautiful book brimming with country designs. For the man in your life Roberta has designed a grouping of richly painted forest creatures, surrounded in ferns and foliage. In the "Among the Ferns" group a deer leans near the water at the base of a clock, an owl peers from a tree on a cabinet, bobcat kittens look out from a shelf and a fox cabinet completes the group. The four seasons are all beautifully painted on an inter-changeable oval piece, a winter snow scene,a fall scene with golden autumn leaves, summer and spring. Roberta's roosters and hens are my favorite they are painted so richly they will inspire you to paint them on more surfaces than shown in the book, you could even paint them along cupboards in a country kitchen. Birds perching among branches are painted on a garden fence & birdhouses. You are going to love the butterflies flittering around a lamp shade and butterfly house lamp base. There is much more to discover in Roberta's newest book, this is only a nibble to inspire you. 12 Pages of Color 64 Pages of Black & White
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