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514 Country Favorites 2 By Hanna Long

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Price: $4.00
Item Number: 514
ACRYLIC BOOK. Hanna again creates beautiful country paintings on cabinets and plaques plus, wonderful things to be painted for those children that will become special, treasured heirlooms. Wooden blocks are painted with numbers or the alphabet plus a farm scene will be a must. Pull toys, a bank, puzzles and yo-yo are also featured. Using bricks she has created wonderful accents for the garden and home. What Grandparent wouldnt be delighted with the handprint and daisy brick for the garden. A beautiful container is painted with lilacs and stars. A tall cabinet with a fruit compote and topiary will make a wonderful accent piece for the kitchen or family room. Paint a antique tiled look on canvas with fruit that is a beautiful decor piece. Lots of extra patterns and helpful hints are featured also. Paint a touch of country for your home or to give as gifts.
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