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536 A Painters Garden 4 By Jane Dillon

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Price: $4.00
Item Number: 536
ACRYLIC BOOK.  Using a wide variety of surfaces, Jane Dillon's fourth book is filled with new and exciting projects. If you are looking for the ideal gift for a friend or family member you will find it in this great book. There are projects to paint on a wide variety of surfaces to meet everyones ideal painting surface needs and the sources are listed as well. You will find designs for a Salt Glazed Santa, Redware Santa and A Basket Giver Santa, each design is new and different. Stoneware designs are painted on a berry bucket, recipe box, sign board, pottery ornaments and more. Get ready for Halloween by painting Crows In A Row, Pumpkin Pie Slice, with recipe done on a signboard as well, or a Crow Welcome Sign and more. Youll find a metal planter box with apples, just right for a counter top. Playful and whimsical cats, Jane's favorites, will make wonderful pieces for the cat lovers on your list. The pomegranate sconce will make a great piece for the kitchen or family room. The large painted candles will make great hostess thank you gifts or added decorations for your holiday entertaining. There are many extra patterns provided also. This book is for all skill levels, from novice to the experienced painter. There are instructions and step by step guides to create successful projects.
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